
Bowls Beginners Course

Everybody has to start somewhere and it’s nice to have a helping hand to explain what is going on and how the game is played.  Ember’s Beginners’ Course has now been running for over 10 years.  We have five qualified coaches on hand to get you started in the game so there is plenty of experience available – and it won’t cost you a penny!

The first session is a Taster Session, which will give you the opportunity to try your arm at bowling and give you an appetite to carry on further.

This year’s taster session is being held on Sunday 27th April, starting at 10.00am.  

If you cannot make this date, never mind we can work something out.

The follow-up dates for the 2014 course are the Sunday Mornings 4th & 11th May and Thursday evenings 1st, 8th and 15th May.

Each follow-up session will include a talk on some aspects of the game, including its rules and etiquette, but will be mainly conducted through practice on the green. Helpful notes are supplied.

For more information see our Bowls Beginners Course page

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