Saturday 15th September: Ember 2 – 1 Sussex County (Southwick)
Bob and Mike had a close game with Southwick’s doubles pairing (Debora and Morgan) but eventually lost out by 5 hoops in the morning. Mike was full of cold and not his usual sparkling self. Bob hit a beautiful, but unintentional jump shot, at a time when, at last, he looked like he was stringing a break together.
John rushes, while Steve waits to pounce.
Steve took on John from Southwick in the first of the two Singles games in the afternoon. John took an early lead, and much to his frustration Steve set up the lawn perfectly but kept on misjudging the croquet shot to the first hoop. Then, bang, Steve started to motor and, after a couple of scintillating breaks put the game out of reach, he won 24-10.
Winners! Bob, Steve and Roger (Absent: Mike)
In the third and final game, another Singles game paired Ember captain, Roger, against Southwick’s Robyn, who was new to AC but a low handicap GC player. Her hitting in was marvellous but Roger was too strong tactically, whittling down Robyn’s 12 bisques to tie the game at the bell. Robyn could not make anything of her turn, so Roger strode up, croqueted his yellow in front of the hoop and masterfully knocked it through to win the golden hoop, the game and the match!