SECF AC ‘S’ League match, Ember vs Bromley – Ember win 4-0

Roger Stearn vs Adam Newbould:                                                                    26-15

Simon Charrington & Steve Edney vs Tony Besgrove & David Clemenson:   17-16

Simon Charrington vs Tony Besgrove:                                                               26-14

Roger Stearn & Hugh Stephenson vs Adam Newbould & David Clemenson:  18-14

The 4-0 victory to Ember belied the closely fought games throughout the cool but dry day.  First up in the morning round was Ember team captain Roger Stearn against Bromley’s low handicapper Adam Newbould.  With four bisques in hand Roger took an early lead but was then kept at bay for large parts of the game while Adam made inroads.  With time running down Roger made his move to progress his second ball and, using his final bisque, made sure of pegging out both balls for the win.  Simon and Steve’s doubles, meanwhile, went to full time (3 1/4 hours) with the Ember pair scrapping and scraping to a one point lead at the finish.  After lunch Bromley’s Tony took a commanding early lead over a seeming out-of-sorts Simon, who remained nevertheless patient (or asleep) for two hours playing necessarily defensively, while his opponent missed a few chances to get going with his second ball to kill off the game.  With less than half an hour left Simon woke up and found some form, taking blue to rover, and moving black to rover, too.  After an exchange of misses, Simon efficiently pegged out.  With Ember victory secured, Roger and Hugh (substitute for Steve) completed the fourth win of the day.  All in all, a very pleasant day of good competition and humour, with ‘home advantage’ perhaps making just the difference between two well-matched teams.

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