Croquet match versus Reigate on 28 August

Ember’s last S League match of the season took place at the beautiful home of Reigate Priory Croquet Club.

Simon played Reigate’s Phil in the morning singles and sizzled at the start getting yellow to peg in no time. Phil was slower to get into his stride. Uncharacteristically, Simon missed several roquets on the red so Phil clawed his way back and eventually win 16-15.

Meanwhile in the doubles Roger and Steve of Ember played Simon and Carolyn. Both teams had moments of good play and not so good, but neither could get a significant lead. Steve, still struggling with hoop-running, should have put it out of reach for Reigate. Luckily, Ember clung on to a close 15-14 win.

Then we had lunch and a well earned rest. It had been a warm morning but now it was rather hot and humid. Water jugs were replenished regularly by our delightful hosts.

In the afternoon matches Roger took on Reigate’s Simon in the singles, while our Simon paired with Steve, against Phil and Carolyn. Simon was back on form and soon got his ball round. Sadly, Steve had more confidence issues with hoops so didn’t get far. Reigate’s Simon carried on with some solid hitting and despite a few blobs at a few hoops, did well for his team. The star however was Carolyn, who played better than her 20 handicap in this game. With time running out, Steve setup the four ball break and ran a few hoops before the wheels fell off again. Reigate were the winners.

So the match finish all square at 2-2. It was a great day.

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