Archives for dbardsley

Something to Smile About…

Congratulations to Dick Jones, Linda Pillman, Sylvia Jones & Dave Bardsley on reaching the Final of the NW Surrey Mixed Fours competition. They managed to defeat a strong Oxshott team in what could be described as a ‘game of two halves’ played on a neutral green at Egham BC on Thursday evening. The Finals are to be held at Ashford BC on Sunday 29th August. Supporters will be more than welcome.

It’s Was Only A Shower…

Monday afternoon’s rain put pay to any use of the Green for our usual Club Night. But careful study of these pictures may help you find where favourable runs may be found….

This water will take some time to soak sufficiently below the surface so Pitch Mats must be used for Roll-Ups etc. for the next few days to prevent damage to the playing surface.

The Sun’s Out & The Bowlers are About

Ember’s 2021 season kicked off on Sunday with a full complement of 24 bowlers on the Green. The sun was out, fun was had, Bar service was available (outdoor seating only) and acquaintances re-made after the lockdowns. If you want to join us check out our website for all the information you need.

Get Ready, Get Set…

The Government’s roadmap for the easing of lockdown restrictions has enabled us to prepare with confidence for the 2021 outdoor season.  The Prime Minister’s announcement confirmed that outdoor affiliated bowls clubs will be able to open from 29 March.  

Despite lock-down we have arranged a full program of fixtures for 2021. The Green is in good shape thanks to our team of volunteer green-keepers and we are ready to go.

Bowls is a naturally covid-safe sport being a socially-distanced, non-contact activity that also plays a key role in the mental and physical health of many across the country.  The positive prospects for the new season provides a great opportunity to try something new or to pick up from where the pandemic stopped you.  So why not kick off your lock-down blues on our Green. For more information see our website

Autumn Green Renovation

Many thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who helped out with our Green closure and renovation works.  Here are a couple of videos of the work in progress featuring hollow tining, deep scarifying and cleaning up afterwards.  The Green has now been over-seeded and treated with soil conditioner and fertiliser ready for its winter break.  It will need a rest after all this work!

Hard at work
Getting the green ready for bed for another year

Ember’s Thumbs Up for Sport England

As their season was drawing to a close Ember’s bowlers took the opportunity to give Sport England a ‘Thumbs Up Thank You’ for their £3,500 support grant from the Community Emergency Fund (CEF).

Ember were facing a difficult year financially due to the Covid-19 lock-down. The loss of all fixtures, social events and internal competitions meant a shortage of funds needed to cover essential green maintenance and renovation programs. However the CEF grant to cover the operational and maintenance costs incurred during the lock-down period will enable the autumn and winter works to progress, leaving the club in a healthy position as it looks forward to next season.

The autumn renovation work starts this week and any help that members can give to complete the work will be most welcome.

2-Wood Mixed Triples Competition

In a truncated season largely devoid of competitive bowling it was great to see 25 Bowlers, formed into eight teams, competing in a 2-wood triples competition last weekend.

The winning team of Adam Willson, Mary Baker & Aneta Thompson beat Mike Cutts, Enid Gray & Tony Bettsworth in the final. The Plate competition for first round losers was won by Malcolm Baird, Sally Brown & Jim Byrne who beat Tony Baker, Mary Tidmarsh & Anna Hughes.

The competition was played in good weather under Covid-19 playing regulations. As usual the matches were highly competitive.

The day ended splendidly with Pizza slices prepared by Linda Pillman. Well done to everyone involved in the day

Covid-19 Handicap Singles

The final of the COVID H/C SINGLES was played with in front of a small but enthusiastic group of spectators. The competition followed World Cup formats with a round-robin group stage followed by a final knock-out round: all played under Covid-19 sanitising and social distancing procedures.

The grand final was won by Mike Grimshaw 21 – 11 against Malcolm Studholme, the dark horse who had seen off several lower handicap bowlers on his way to the final. Sadly for Malcolm he came up against Mike on top form.

Both bowlers were presented with a bottle of wine for their efforts and Mike received a Certificate for display in his trophy room.

Full details of the competition are on our main web pages. Click here for details.

Monday Night is “CLUB NIGHT” -Again

Following the relaxation of guidance Monday’s Club Nights are back from tonight. Although Social Distancing is still the order of the day the Clubhouse and Bar will be open and tables and chairs will be available for a drink and a chat. And there will be the usual roll-up. Come and join us.

Ember Social Distancing Bowls – Off to a Quiet Start

Ember’s Social Distancing Bowls was off to a prompt, if quiet, start at the stroke of midday on Saturday.

Jenny Gets the Season Under Way. Malcolm Offers Direction!

Ember’s Green is now open for Bowls, subject to Social Distancing Rules. If you want to participate you will need to book a rink. Full details of how you may use the Green under Social Distancing rules are here and the page will give you a link to the booking system.

Please note that the Clubhouse and Changing Rooms remain closed.

Please Use the Washing and Sanitising Equipment Provided