Ember Sports Club Blog page 5

Croquet Awards 2022

Ember retained the SECF B League this year, having also won in 2019 and 2021.

Internal Competitions were won by:

Roger Stearn, beating Simon Charrington, in the AC Open Singles

Roger receives the Open Singles trophy from Pauline Bramworth

The GC Singles Handicap Knockout reached the semi-final stage but could not be completed this season. We will resume in April 2023.

The only other trophy presented at last week’s AGM was the “Most Improved Player”, which is based on improved handicap points. Simon Charrington retained the trophy, below.

A new brighter outlook!

The new windows at the bowls end of the clubhouse have finally been installed and are looking great. Roll on the new season (and the good weather!).

Sports Massage at Ember

My name is Konrad McKenzie and I am proud to have partnered with Ember sports Club to offer sports massage to members of the club. Currently, I head the fitness at Esher Tennis Academy and have a passion in helping people to move well, manage pain and offer some recovery tools to help you feel regenerated after a game of Tennis. Whether you are a competitive tennis player or a social tennis player massage can aid in minimising injury risk and stimulating recovery.


  • Deep tissue massage
  • Sports Massage
  • Injury/Pain management,
  • Corrective Exercise

Please contact: kalmckenzie42@gmail.com or call me directly on 07950119732 for more information.

A Christmas Carol – book now!

Ember Players are proud to be presenting A Christmas Carol at the Barn Theatre in December. Please see below for details. We look forward to welcoming you, for what promises to be an excellent and exciting production. Please book early to avoid disappointment!


Bowls “Paths to Progress” classes

November dates and times for the postponed sessions, at the Clubhouse:

Saturday 5th  10 am 

Monday  7th  2 pm

Tuesday 8th  10.30 am

Topics to be covered remain as per my original plan:

Basic rules, General green etiquette, Queries/concerns, How to measure correctly.

‘Building a Head’, ‘Reading a Head’ and ‘Marking’ sessions, together with whatever else members would like us to focus on, will be organised for the new year.

These November sessions, with a short break, are all planned to be the same.

If you would like to attend please contact Sylvia  sylviatheaker@ntlworld.com     01932 788701    07778 034793

Friends of English Bowling – Ember Match Report

Great article from Friends of English Bowling on their match hosted at Ember (with some good photos!)


Next Bowls Committee Meeting – 9th Jan

The next bowls section committee meeting is on Monday 9th January at 10 am in the clubhouse committee
Bowls Pre-Season Meeting in the clubhouse on Friday 14th April 7 pm for 7.30 pm with Bowlswear Direct shop in the committee room at 6.00 pm

Bowls Games Night

Just a reminder that we will be running a “Games Night” Games on Saturday 12th November 2022 7:00pm for 7:30pm. The games will include shuffleboard, bagatelle, shove halfpenny and a putting competition. There will be an element of competition and prizes for the winners. There will also be a winter warming meal.

All this comes at a giveaway price of £10 per person. Please book early so that we can arrange the catering by contacting Ken Homewood. (01483-282384 or kenhomewood@live.com)

If you or your guests have any allergy issues, please advise Ken when you contact him.

Ember Quiz Night Photos

Thanks to everyone who came along and made the Ember Quiz night such a fun evening! And thanks to all the members who volunteered their time to run the quiz, man the bar and dish out the very tasty fish and chips at half time.

Croquet Association Croquet Open Singles Final 2022

We have a new AC Open Singles Champion! Roger Stearn secured victory over defending champion, Simon Charrington. A case of third time lucky for Roger! It was, however, less a matter of luck and more a case of executing a good strategy keeping Simon at bay for significant periods of the match.

Simon won the toss and elected to go first while Roger chose the sunshine colours. Simon took initial control of the game and at his third attempt to get his roll shot range and bearing, managed to get going and quickly ran six hoops before missing his approach at one-back (Simon leads 6-0). This let Roger in to play a patient tactical game, keeping blue and black at 35+ yards apart while turn by turn picking up hoop points alternately with his red and yellow, getting both to hoop six. After some sparring, and Simon unable to get black started or make progress with blue, Roger successfully made a dash to Rover with yellow (Roger leads 16-6). After more sparring, black found itself in the jaws of hoop one which Roger judged was safe to leave and give a cheap point with no other ball in its ready range. Simon had other ideas and, with blue near hoop three and red and yellow by the east boundary slightly north of hoop four, he completed the run of hoop one, striking with enough weight to be able then to run hoop two, mid-distance hit-in to blue at hoop three, run the hoop and pick up red and yellow to the east of hoop four and getting a four-ball going before breaking down at four-back (Roger leads 16-15). More sparring ensued and, with one or two missed shots on both sides, the game could still have gone either way until (at Roger leads 17-16) Roger made his break with red, also eying to peel yellow through Rover, but happy to stay patient and settled with taking red to peg, keeping blue and black at maximum distance. Simon couldn’t manage to hit-in and next turn Roger ran rover with yellow and pegged out from ten yards (26-16). Well done, Roger, a well-earned and deserved victory.