Please be advised that the Bowling Green will be closed for the routine monthly spraying of Compost Tea on Wednesday morning 14th September 2022 until approx. 1pm. This spraying must be carried over 3 consecutive days (ie. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings).
Again, apologies but necessary for the maintenance of our green.
Ember ran out as winners of the Peter Ungless Shield in a tight game against Carshalton BC played on the neutral green at Cheam Sports BC on Sunday 21st August. Ember have had some tight games against Carshalton in the past and this was no different with a final score of 37 – 36.
The Peter Ungless Shield is a knock-out competition played between the teams in the Racal-Decca league.
Here we see the victorious team of Linda Pillman, Ken Homewood, Dick Jones, Colin Jones. Jenny Baird, Tony Baker, Lorna Kilpatrick and Sylvia Jones together with Captain Malcolm Baird (with the winner’s shield).
Congratulations to all players, including those who played in the earlier rounds. Now go on and win the League (also again!)
Some pictures from our Tennis coaching session on the 30th July – a great day showcasing our expert coaching team’s ability. A great time was had by all, and thanks to everyone who attended. Remember to check out for more info on the coaching we offer!
We have decided to postpone the Mixed 2-wood trips and the BBQ planned for this Saturday until Saturday 20th August due to the high temperatures forecast for this Saturday.
You should have received by email a lists of those that had signed up to play and also signed up for the BBQ.
Please confirm that you are still available for the rearranged date.
If you are not on the lists but wish to participate in either the 2-wood competition or come to the BBQ please let Ken Homewood know by “E” mail before next Tuesday 16th August.
The Captains v Chairman event, which is a roll up for all, will now be held on the Bank Holiday, Monday 29th August.
Please note – the date for the annual Ember Sports Club quiz evening has now changed from Saturday the 22nd October to Saturday the 15th October. Hope to see you there!
Guests always welcome. Steve’s neighbours had a go!
Here is a excerpt from Simon’s latest Newsletter report:
The second of our summer BBQs took place as the heatwave was starting to build. The risk assessment provided buckets of water on hand to douse any wayward ignition. In the event, no sparks flew and the flower beds were thankful for the drink. A covering of light cloud in the afternoon kept the mid-thirties’ heat forecast to comfortable (enough) levels while four games of GC doubles were played, with a leisurely tea in between. Brendan and Sam Russell provided some welcome new blood to the Sunday games, and to ready exchange of anecdotes over tea. Well played to you both! Thank you to all who helped, brought salads, desserts, etc, set up tables, the BBQ and so on, and cleared away at the end. And special thanks to Steve for the event communications and co-ordination. Any volunteers for leading this for the August BBQ, please?
A Picnic GC (or One Ball) Roll-up Day Tournament, like we had in May, is pencilled in for Sunday 18th September. A sign-up sheet to gauge interest will be put in the pavilion during the month. With regards to the friendly GC match proposed by Cheam CC, no date has yet been fixed for this owing to uncertainty on our part over ability to field a team. If you’re interested in playing in such a match sometime before the end of the season, do, please, let me know.
While our AC ‘B’ league game at Surbiton was postponed on account of the heat, we welcomed Sussex County later in the month to our scheduled home fixture. This was, no doubt, to our advantage as their team are more familiar with playing on their ‘super-fast’ home lawns which have been prepared to stage twelve days of the GC World Championships now just started. Getting in front on hoop, therefore, proved more of a challenge for our visitors. At the end of Round 1 the score was 1-1, at Round 2, 3-1 to Ember. Ember then brought out its secret weapon – a wonderful lunch, including Hugh’s poached plums with custard for dessert. This was enough to beguile our visitors to defeat, 5-1. Well played Ember: Hugh, Roger S, Simon (Capt), and super-sub, Steve; and Belita for helping with the lunch.
Introductory coaching for beginners and high handicappers on Mondays 3 – 5pm continues for at least the next two weeks, then according to demand / availability after that. Well done to Pete, Pauline, Geoff and Kate for making great progress in getting to grips with the angles!
Please be advised that the Bowling Green will be closed for the routine monthly spraying of Compost Tea on Wednesday morning 10th August 2022 until approx. 1pm. This spraying must be carried over 3 consecutive days (ie. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings).
Apologies but necessary for the maintenance of our green.