Ember Sports Club Blog page 8



Bowls have requested that members do NOT use the car park on Wednesday 27th July after 11:30am as they have the honour of hosting the Surrey County Womens Bowls Association Presidents Day and are expecting 20 to 25 cars.

The cars will have arrived by 1:30pm so any spaces after this time can be used,

The President is an Ember bowler, Linda Pillman.

Thanks in anticipation


Ember Bowls Chair

Tennis Tournament Finals Day – Come Along!

Saturday 23rd July from 1pm.

The finals of all the tennis club tournaments will be played from 1pm including:

  • Ladies and Mens Singles
  • Mens and Ladies Doubles
  • Mixed Doubles,

We invite all members to come and watch and take afternoon tea!

Exciting news for Ember Tennis!

We are really pleased to announce that a new coaching program has been initiated with Chris Daw and his team, with Rob as a supported member of that team.

The new coaching team are really excited to get started, and would like to offer more variety of adult sessions with some weekend coaching too.

They also plan to offer structured coaching and events for Juniors of all ages and abilities.

They have set up a web site to look after all our coaching needs – www.embertennis.co.uk

And are contactable on the email addresshello@embertennis.co.uk

Bowling Green Closure – 13th July

Please be advised that the Bowling Green will be closed for the routine monthly spraying of Compost Tea on Wednesday morning 13th July 2022 until approx. 1pm.  This spraying must be carried over 3 consecutive days (ie. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings).

Apologies but necessary for the maintenance of our green.


Ember welcomed Ealing on Tuesday for an SECF B league match. We were captained by Simon Charrington (Handicap 12) joined by Roger Stearn (12) and Tom Eddy (16). Tom is keen to play home games but three short games is too much for him, so Steve Edney (12) replaced him for the final game.

Ealing brought over Ron(12), David(14) and Emma(20). The match order was switched to help Emma in her first competitive AC match, with Ron partnering her. Ember ran out 11-7 winners in this game, with Simon getting round to peg and Tom getting most of the way.

In the first singles, Roger played David. Roger win 12-9.

Steve managed to persuade Tom to continue in the second round of matches. It was getting close to lunch time and Steve wanted to munch on the ginger biscuits. Tom was partnering Roger this time against David and Emma. It was a gripping match with a valiant effort by Roger to get Ember back into it, requiring a golden (sudden death) hoop to decide it. Eventually Ealing ran it, winning the game.

Meanwhile, Simon beat Ron 14-4 in their singles, which included a respectably executed four-ball croquet shot by Ron out of corner 3, and some odd, but not fatal, aberrations from Simon.

Lunch was splendid, and thanks to Geraldine for setting up and tidying away for us.

The final set of games saw Steve come in for Tom versus Emma. Emma played very well for a deserved 10-8 victory, scoring Ealing’s second win of the match.

Very early in the final doubles game David scuffed his shot and Simon was able to hit in and having worked hard to run hoop 1 proceeded with an almost faultless 4 ball break to go to peg.  3 turns later Ealing chose to join up at hoop 1 rather than use a bisque to continue, Roger then took advantage and using a bisque to hit in proceeded run his 6 hoops and to peg out both balls. A quick game won 14 -1 and Ron sportingly complaining he had only had 1 shot.

A most enjoyable day.

Ember Bowls Charity Day

Congratulations to our 2021 Winners

Ember Bowls Charity Day – 2.00/2.30pm Saturday 2 July – Fun Games on the Green Followed by a BBQ

Please support our Charity Day on Saturday 2 July. It will be a 2pm for 2.30pm start with games on the green followed by a BBQ at 5pm.

The charity is ‘Sense’ the national disability charity that supports everyone who is deafblind or who has complex disabilities.

BBQ tickets must be purchased in advance at £10 per person. Jenny/Malcolm Baird, Wendy Beaney and Mary/Tony Baker have tickets.

Fun games on the green will start around 2.30pm with a ‘Spider’ followed by different games on the six rinks. It will be a £1 entry per try per game. There will be a prize for the winner of each game. Three woods to be used for each game.

The games are:

Rink 1 – “Target bowls”: target pinned to green with score for each bowl at the end of 3 woods that is in the target.

Rink 2 – “Hit the Jack”: 3 jacks set out on the rink and one point for each jack hit.

Rink 3- “Nearest the ditch”: send woods towards the ditch and the nearest wood to the ditch wins.

Rink 4 – “Skittles” – 6 skittles set out and the aim is to knock them down with as few woods as possible/maximum skittles knocked down.

Rink 5 – “Hit the Teddy” : a Teddy will be on the rink and 1 point for each time you hit it.

Rink 6 – “Target bowls”: a different target pinned to green with score for each bowl at the end of 3 woods that is in the target.

After the games finish at around 4.45pm prizes will be presented and the raffle will be drawn. There will then be a bbq at about 5pm for which you will need to purchase tickets in advance.

The raffle tickets cost £5 per strip. It is best to buy tickets in advance (especially if you cannot attend on the day!) and put your name on the remaining strip in the book. We welcome your donations of prizes for the raffle and we also hope to have some additional prizes from outside the club!

Bowls Green Maintenance Closure Notice for 22nd June

Please be advised that the Bowling Green will be closed for the routine monthly spraying of Compost Tea on Wednesday morning  22nd June 2022 until approx. 1pm.  This spraying must be carried over 3 consecutive days (ie. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings).

Apologies but necessary for the maintenance of our green.

Congratulations Jenny!

Jenny Baird was presented with Surrey County Womens Bowling Association’s Loyal service award on Monday 6th June, with lots of members new and old present.

This was awarded to Jenny for her outstanding contribution to Ember Bowling Club over the past 30 Years, for being Captain 3 times and County delegate for several years, which means she has also been on the bowls committee whilst holding these positions.

She has been involved with recruitment and retaining the membership by running coaching and marking sessions with the assistance of other members. She has won many County and regional accolades over this period, including being a member of the John’s Team who has won this National competition on various occasions.

Congratulations Jenny! Well deserved!

Croquet B League AC versus Caterham

The Ember Croquet team travelled over to Caterham-on-the-hill on Saturday. Our team was admirably led by Roger Stearn for the first time, who was well prepared with a copy of the AC rules, and abreast of the new B League format. Simon Charrington provided horsepower plus refreshment at both ends of the day, though sadly no bacon bap at breakfast, he redeemed himself with a slice of Coop ginger cake in the evening. The third Ember player was Steve Edney.

The B league format this year is thus: 3 players, A,B and C, per team; six 14-point games of which three are singles and three are doubles. All players must have a handicap of 10 or over. As our form player Simon (handicap 12) played Matt from Caterham in the first singles. Matt has only played the game for two years but, as a rapid improver, his handicap was 11 when the fixture was arranged and 9 on the day. Having said that Simon should have won but could not quite get to grips with his split rolls and rushes, both of which are normally his strengths. Matt came back and pipped him 8-6.

Meanwhile on the other lawn, captain Roger and Steve were paired against Frank and the elderly Ron. Frank is a 12, the same as both Ember players, whereas Ron now plays on 14, having been a 6 back in the day. Roger nursed jittery Steve round to peg but couldn’t find much form himself running three hoops, but that was enough to beat Caterham 9-5 in the allotted 90 minutes.

In the second set of games, Roger was keen to find some form from the start in his singles game against Frank, using a bisque with his 3rd shot to create a good set up and a further bisque after a mistake at hoop 1, he proceeded almost faultlessly to take his first ball to peg.  Frank then tried to emulate Roger’s effort but used all 3 of his bisques in running 2 hoops.  Shortly afterwards with Roger having run a further hoop he found it necessary to use his final bisque to separate Frank’s balls in the corner at hoop three. Roger  took a ‘punt’ on going for hoop two while doing this, which was made. With everything then going well and some adventurous play Roger continued with the 3 balls in play (leaving Frank’s corner ball at hoop three) to run hoops three and four after which he was unexpectedly able to continue peg out and win the game 14-2.

In the doubles it was a tense and extremely close affair, with both Simon and Steve jittery and no skipper to calm them down. It was level, 7-all, at the bell and the game went into sudden death. Steve held his nerve, by getting a good rush of Matt’s ball out of the corner towards hoop six, just beyond the peg. He summoned Simon on to the court, and they agreed Steve should not take Matt’s ball over to the hoop but instead do a take-off. Thankfully, Steve’s five yard shot to the hoop was well judged and it was reasonably straightforward to run the hoop and win 8-7.

At lunch, Ember were up 3-1, and highly likely to win thanks to Roger’s big points difference win.

In the last singles, Steve played Ron who used his bisques well to make a good start. Steve continued some good form around to hoop five with his first ball, but, to ensure he ran a difficult hoop shot, sent his ball way past hoop six, with Ron’s balls too close together. Steve fell apart and wasted bisques. Sensing Steve’s despair the wily Ron picked away at him and the hoops eventually winning 12-7.

In the final doubles game Ember’s Simon and Roger played Caterham’s Matt and Frank.  Matt attempted the first break, using bisques, but found himself slightly overrunning position in front of hoop.  The Ember pair then agreed use of the first of their three bisques and Simon got going in two innings to run five hoops (including using a second bisque) when he then absent mindedly attempted to roquet again the ball he’d just roqueted, ending the turn left on hoop six.  Roger then sparred with Matt and Frank for position and hoops, in his inimitable and relentless way, and made turn by turn progress on hoops, while keeping Caterham at bay through to the end of the 90 minutes, running hoop six on the last turn of the game, resulting in a victory for Ember, 11-4.

So Ember managed to win the match 4-2. It was a very enjoyable day and Caterham were tremendous hosts.

Jubilee Memories

The Jubilee Roll-up was attended by 24 bowlers who were blessed with a sunny day.
They dressed in various forms of red, white & blue with Wendy Beaney winning the prize for the “Best Costume”. The day ended with free slices of cake kindly donated by Debbie Johns.