
Bowls Finals Day Pics – Day#1

Yesterday saw some top-class bowling from our finals players, including an epic showdown in the Ladies Pairs that went down to the last bowl. Today we’ve got another full calendar of games including the Men’s and Ladies finals and the Coronation Cup. Our bar is open and there’s raffle prizes and cakes, so come down and enjoy the atmosphere and see some great games!

To see all the photos from our finals weekend click here.

Bowling Green Closures

Dear Lawn Bowl Members

Please be advised that the Bowling Green will be closed for the routine monthly spraying of Compost Tea on Wednesday morning 14th September 2022 until approx. 1pm.  This spraying must be carried over 3 consecutive days (ie. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings).

Again, apologies but necessary for the maintenance of our green.

Notice of Adjourned AGM – 30th Aug


The management committee request the pleasure of your company at

Ember Sports Club AGM – Adjourned to Tuesday 30th August at 7.30pm in the Clubhouse

(This meeting will follow the Company meeting to be held at 7.15pm.)

This is the time to hear about the club’s year, and plans for the future, and to also give your opinion and ask any questions.

The club is wholly run by volunteers and they would appreciate your support.

We are also on the lookout for new volunteers to help with the running of the club – the more people, the easier it will be.

We hope to see you there.

Mixed 2-Wood Trips – Change of Date

Hi all,

We have decided to postpone the Mixed 2-wood trips and the BBQ planned for this Saturday until Saturday 20th August due to the high temperatures forecast for this Saturday.

You should have received by email a lists of those that had signed up to play and also signed up for the BBQ.

Please confirm that you are still available for the rearranged date.

If you are not on the lists but wish to participate in either the 2-wood competition or come to the BBQ please let Ken Homewood know by “E” mail before next Tuesday 16th August.

The Captains v Chairman event, which is a roll up for all, will now be held on the Bank Holiday, Monday 29th August.

Bowls Roll-up Times

Dear All

This is a reminder that from August, in view of the nights drawing in, the Monday roll-up will start half an hour earlier at 5.30 pm prompt.

New date for the Ember Sports Club Annual Quiz!

Please note – the date for the annual Ember Sports Club quiz evening has now changed from Saturday the 22nd October to Saturday the 15th October. Hope to see you there!

Bowling Green Unavailable – 10th, 11th, 12th August (AM)

Please be advised that the Bowling Green will be closed for the routine monthly spraying of Compost Tea on Wednesday morning 10th August 2022 until approx. 1pm. This spraying must be carried over 3 consecutive days (ie. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings).

Apologies but necessary for the maintenance of our green.



Bowls have requested that members do NOT use the car park on Wednesday 27th July after 11:30am as they have the honour of hosting the Surrey County Womens Bowls Association Presidents Day and are expecting 20 to 25 cars.

The cars will have arrived by 1:30pm so any spaces after this time can be used,

The President is an Ember bowler, Linda Pillman.

Thanks in anticipation


Ember Bowls Chair

Bowling Green Closure – 13th July

Please be advised that the Bowling Green will be closed for the routine monthly spraying of Compost Tea on Wednesday morning 13th July 2022 until approx. 1pm.  This spraying must be carried over 3 consecutive days (ie. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings).

Apologies but necessary for the maintenance of our green.

Ember Bowls Charity Day

Congratulations to our 2021 Winners

Ember Bowls Charity Day – 2.00/2.30pm Saturday 2 July – Fun Games on the Green Followed by a BBQ

Please support our Charity Day on Saturday 2 July. It will be a 2pm for 2.30pm start with games on the green followed by a BBQ at 5pm.

The charity is ‘Sense’ the national disability charity that supports everyone who is deafblind or who has complex disabilities.

BBQ tickets must be purchased in advance at £10 per person. Jenny/Malcolm Baird, Wendy Beaney and Mary/Tony Baker have tickets.

Fun games on the green will start around 2.30pm with a ‘Spider’ followed by different games on the six rinks. It will be a £1 entry per try per game. There will be a prize for the winner of each game. Three woods to be used for each game.

The games are:

Rink 1 – “Target bowls”: target pinned to green with score for each bowl at the end of 3 woods that is in the target.

Rink 2 – “Hit the Jack”: 3 jacks set out on the rink and one point for each jack hit.

Rink 3- “Nearest the ditch”: send woods towards the ditch and the nearest wood to the ditch wins.

Rink 4 – “Skittles” – 6 skittles set out and the aim is to knock them down with as few woods as possible/maximum skittles knocked down.

Rink 5 – “Hit the Teddy” : a Teddy will be on the rink and 1 point for each time you hit it.

Rink 6 – “Target bowls”: a different target pinned to green with score for each bowl at the end of 3 woods that is in the target.

After the games finish at around 4.45pm prizes will be presented and the raffle will be drawn. There will then be a bbq at about 5pm for which you will need to purchase tickets in advance.

The raffle tickets cost £5 per strip. It is best to buy tickets in advance (especially if you cannot attend on the day!) and put your name on the remaining strip in the book. We welcome your donations of prizes for the raffle and we also hope to have some additional prizes from outside the club!