
Committee Room Refurb

Our newly refurbished committee room now is set up ready with our new chairs in place for our members to use as a lounge once indoor socialising becomes possible again. 

Green shoots of hope

Our cherry tree is now in full blossom, and the sun is shining – as we return to outdoor sport.

Croquet Returns 29th March 2021

Both lawns are ready for play. Our first rollup is on Tuesday 30th March from 4pm. Feel free to book a lawn.

New look committee room!

“During this last lockdown ESC has been making further progress on clubhouse refurbishment. Tennis section member Paul Fielding has decorated our committee room, which also now has new tables in readiness for when we can finally open!”

Croquet return to play at Ember 2021

Ember Croquet Club – COVID 19 measures – 12 April 2021 (update to 2020 Notices: 30 November; 1 September; 1 June and 18 May).

These have been updated to include particular provision for Step 2 of easing of lockdown, Spring 2021.

Notice to Croquet Members

Please read carefully for your safety and that of other members. If these rules and guidance are not followed the club may have to be closed again. All paid up croquet members are permitted to play croquet following the guidelines below. The club welcomes new membership applications and ‘pay and play’ enquiries, subject to an introduction to the game, if appropriate, e.g. for beginners, and to the club, and explanation ofthe current COVID 19 restrictions.


 Paid up members for 2021-2022 are eligible to play.

 Do not play if you are self-isolating or experiencing symptoms of a cold or flu, in particular a cough or high temperature. Use the NHS helpline and seek advice.

 Except for organised events as described below, no more than six people may occupy a full-sized lawn and no more than four people may occupy a small lawn. The players on one lawn should not interact with those on another lawn.

 Gathering limits do not apply to formally organised activity. An event is regarded as formally organised activity if it has been publicised in advance and is run under the direction of a manager/organiser, who must be present and responsible for ensuring that the event is conducted in a COVID-19 secure manner.

 For formally organised play, up to eight people are permitted on a full-size lawn, or four on half-size or Short lawns. For coaching, up to six players in addition to the coach are permitted; the coach is responsible for ensuring that social distancing is maintained at all times. Activity should be organised in such a way as to minimise thenumber of people a player interacts with while at the club.

 Spectators are not permitted at Step 2.

 Whether or not in play, no more than six players, guests, or visitors should be permitted in any group and 2m social distancing should be observed within it.

 Members may bring guests providing their names are recorded in the lawn pre-booking system or in the book at the pavilion, and the number of members and guests together fall within the limits above. Visitor playing fees should be paid into the club account referencing ‘Visitors Fee – Croquet.’

 Club members’ summer season roll-up are on Sundays 2pm – 5.30pm, Tuesdays 4pm – 7.30pm and Thursdays 2pm – 5pm, and are subject to the limits above (‘first come first served’), and signing in the book or registering via the NHS QR Code ECC poster at the pavilion.

 Observe the 2 metre social distancing rules at all times, including entering and leaving the premises. Beware of bottlenecks along The Drive entrance and along the path by tennis courts 6 and 7.

 Please wash hands before leaving home, on arriving at the lawns and on leaving the lawns and when you arrive home. There are hand sanitisers located: by the car park near the gate to tennis courts 4/5; on the tennis veranda; by the clubhouse entrance by Bowls; by the gate from The Drive pathway; and by the croquet pavilion door. You are advised to bring your own hand sanitiser also.

 The toilet facilities in the clubhouse are open from 9am to 6pm in summer.

 The clubhouse bar may be opened and used by members during normal opening hours providing the special COVID-19 procedures for opening, running and closing are adhered to.

 Groups of six or fewer people may meet outside, maintaining social distance, and be served refreshments at their tables. This includes from the clubhouse bar, and teas/coffees at the pavilion when service (including preparation and putting away) is provided by a volunteer as per the sign-up sheet. In order for the volunteer to maintain safe service, members and guests should resist the temptation to help out.  Please follow NHS test and trace Guidance and inform the chairman if you or a guest becomes ill within 14 days of visiting the club.

Lawn Bookings

 To play you must first book a lawn via ESC website Croquet members area. You may make a booking without having an opponent. This could be either for solo practice or as a way of making a general invitation to members of the booker’s availability to play.

 If you are a paid up member and do not have booking access please contact Steve Edney

 Lawns are bookable in 30 minute units, up to four hours in total, every day from 9am – 8pm. NB An upgrade of the online booking system is being trialed. In case of difficulty with it, please contact Steve Edney for assistance.

 Play should end 15 minutes before the end of your booked time to allow you time for cleaning and putting away equipment and leaving before the next booked time.

 Please keep a record of your bookings together with a list of people who played, for tracking purposes.

At the Lawn

 Sanitise your hands on arrival and during your time at the lawns using the sanitiser by the pavilion door or soap and water available.

 Players must use their own mallet and not touch their opponent’s. A designated club mallet may be allocated to you upon application to the club secretary. Club mallets must be disinfected both before and after play.

 The pavilion may be accessed for tea/coffee service by the volunteer (ref above), for boiling the kettle or urn for hot water supply, and for shelter for up to four people (plus two under the porch), providing you open both double doors, maintain social distance, and wear a face covering. Wipe clean all contact points (including padlock, bolts and handles) both on opening up and closing.

 Arrangements may be made for using the pop-up gazebos for shelter (from rain or sun), as and when required, to help with maintaining social distance at the club.

 Access to sheds 1, 3 and 4 is restricted for use only by maintenance team members.

 Players must agree which of them is to enter the equipment shed 2 to collect and return the hoops, peg, ball sets, clips and bisques and wash/sanitise them on collection and on return.

 Other players must stay well behind the white line in front of the door to shed 2, and resist the temptation to help.

 Before opening the equipment shed 2, wash/sanitise your hands with the soap or sanitiser you have brought with you or with the club supply. Endeavours will be made to maintain a supply of soap, paper towels, antisceptic wipes or spray in the shed but this cannot be guaranteed. Use water from the tap next to the pavilion and use the washing up bowl or buckets in shed 2 as necessary.  If the hoops are already out leave them out.

 Use soap and water for cleaning ball sets, clips and bisques.

 For timed matches use a timer on a watch or phone – and players should referee their own matches appropriately.

 Seating: use one of the green or white plastic chairs stored outside: make sure you clean with antiseptic wipe or spray both before and at the end of the game. If you sit on a bench, avoid touching it with your hand. As an alternative, you may prefer to bring your own lightweight folding chair.

 Consider wearing a face covering if there is a moderate easterly breeze and tennis courts are in use.

 Use your feet, rather than hands, to retrieve balls and to position balls where you can do so with sufficient precision, including when moving or replacing balls from a double-banked game. When playing Association Croquet, handle only your own ballsand clips, not those of your opponent.

 When the game is complete remember not to shake hands and remember that the player who put all the equipment out is the player to wash/sanitise again and return all to shed 2. Wipe clean the padlock when you have closed the door.


 One to One coaching may be available on request to Roger Dollimore

These rules apply currently and may be amended as time goes on, so please look again at the website or on the pavilion windows each time you play.

Enjoy your game but please remember there is still a risk of contracting COVID 19. So Stay Alert, obey the social distancing rules and wash/sanitise your hands before arrival and before leaving.

Note: wearing of gloves and/or face covering, during play, is a matter of personal choice. Remember to bring with you next time you play: personal sanitiser, glove(s), mallet, face covering (in case of need to take shelter) and a drink/sustenance.

New Croquet Lawn Booking Sheet for 2021

We have decided to trial a new lawn booking sheet for 2021 onwards.

As with the previous version, it is accessed via the Croquet Members page on the club website.

Click on the link and you will see a page like this (this is a photo as at 1st December):

Do not worry, I am not expecting you to be able to decipher this photograph! It will appear larger on your screen.

Here is a zoomed in picture of the top left of the screen:

You will notice that the new sheet allows you to book time slots – morning, afternoon and evening. The Morning slot is shown above. Find the day you want to play and type in to the cell next to Main 1 (if booking the main lawn).

Unfortunately, as its 1st December, the lawn is closed, but from 2nd December you can play early afternoons. Join us tomorrow?

As we get to Spring, of course, there will be many more white spaces. The white background indicates that the lawn is bookable (the first column above says “Winter” or “Book” when the season is in full flow).

We will use the same sheet to record other activities, and use it to communicate these to you.

For example, every week we mow the lawn, so this is recorded as “MOW” and the cells are coloured green. Steve, as the chap who manages the mowing rota, will allocate volunteers by date, take a copy of this sheet and email it to the mowing group.

We can also use the sheet to record working party activities, external matches against other clubs, roll ups and who is bringing cake or setting up the barbecue.

It is only essential to use this sheet to book the lawn for a game. There is no other way, unless you take pot luck and just turn up.

All other voluntary work will be communicated via email or by a list posted on the door or in the pavilion, in the usual way. We will endeavour to capture the information from these and transcribe on to this sheet.

The current incentive to do this is for COVID purposes so that we have a record of recent activity in or around the lawns. It’s unlikely but if someone did have a positive test, then this could be used to alert others. Of course, we do have the QR code displayed for the NHS COVID App too.

I hope you are able to access and use the sheet. If you do have problems with it please contact me (

Further information below, for those who have not glazed over yet:

The current week is displayed when you open the sheet. To see next week, use the PAGE DOWN key on your keyboard. PAGE DOWN for later weeks, and PAGE UP to return to earlier weeks. You can click the REFRESH key (top left) to return to the top of the sheet or hover over “History” and click the link to see past entries.

When you click the link from the website, the sheet opens with the message “Working”. This means it is loading. Wait a few more seconds, and the sheet will update so that the current week is shown (this actually only happens on a Sunday when someone opens it for the first time that day, as the new week rolls in).

Yesterday’s details are also updated on opening the sheet, which is sorted, so that yesterday and all previous days are shown at the bottom of the sheet (Remember to click on “History” if you need to refer back).

That’s all for now. I hope this works but only time will tell!

Steve Edney

1st December 2020

When One Door Closes…

Our new committee doors, installed by Lee of SE Countrywide Doors Ltd, & polished by one of the members of our bowls section, are now finished. We shall look forward to using them when the clubhouse re-opens!

Getting the word out!

Let us know if you see any of our members out and about displaying their brand new Ember Sports Club car stickers!

New Shuttering

Assisted by a generous #SurreyMCA grant, sponsored by Cllrs Peter Szanto & Nick Darby, Ember Sports Club has new security shutters, replacing the broken ones.

Once we can re-open the bar, we invite members & their guests to celebrate this attractive new installation by Tri Door!

Croquet Newsletter November 2020

Diary dates

Ember Croquet AGM:  NB Change of date, now Monday 16th November, 7.30pm via zoom or MSTeams.  If you haven’t received David’s email with the formal notice and agenda attached, do, please, get in touch with him .

It will be great if you are able to attend the meeting, not only to hear the business and to ensure a quorum but also it would be lovely to see you all.  Video-conferencing details will be sent out next week, including the opportunity for a test run in advance of the meeting.


A few games have been played in October and we have been pleased to welcome prospective new members as well as our opponents from the match v Surbiton earlier in the season. 

The main lawn closed on 1 November and, owing to the latest Covid Lockdown, the small lawn is now also closed for play until, all being well, 2 December when it will re-open for winter play and practice.

There will be maintenance work done as necessary, and which is permissible, over the next two or three weeks to complete the autumn lawn work and close down the irrigation system.

Winter Play and Practice – as soon as easing of Lockdown permits

Small Lawn – members will have seen the information sent out by email about play and practice on the small lawn, including arrangements for keeping in touch at short notice to share weather prospects, playing conditions and individual availability.  I’ll re-send this information when we are nearer to easing of Lockdown.

N.B. to existing ESC members of other ESC sections it may be of interest to see what the cost would be of adding Croquet to your existing ESC membership. Proportionate scales for new members joining part-way through the year, and for the winter season are published on the ESC website / Croquet section / Membership tab .  If you’re curious about the sport, would like a reason to get outdoors this winter and fancy making a start in the quieter months ahead of the main summer season, do get in touch .  See, also, page 13 of the autumn edition of Thames Ditton Today

Indoor Croquet – This is on hold for the time being while Covid restrictions apply.  We shall be in touch about dates and arrangements as soon as the situation improves.

New Member – We’re very pleased to welcome Christine Evans.  We’re looking forward to starting play again soon and to introducing Christine to more of the ESC and Croquet family here.

At this time of year we’d usually be gathering a rota for running the bar for the Ember Players’ winter production.  Sadly, as we know, the performing arts have been particularly badly hit by the pandemic restrictions, so let us spare a thought for our drama section friends and wish them well for a creative return before too long.

Keep well, All, and Stay Safe
