
Spotlight on the Ember Players

The Ember Players upcoming Ladykillers production is featured in “This is Local London”.
Read the full article here: http://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/11125578.The_Ladykillers_bring_spring_laughs_to_Cecil_Hepworth_Playhouse/

Ember Players: The LadyKillers

This very funny black comedy by Graham Linehan is giving the cast a great deal of pleasure to rehearse, and they hope to give the audiences a wonderfully entertaining evening on May 1st, 2nd & 3rd. at The Cecil Hepworth Playhouse, Walton. Ember Players not involved in the production are very welcome at rehearsals. It’s good to have a bit of audience reaction!
See the Ember Players website for more details: www.emberplayers.btck.co.uk
Ladykillers 1