Pictures from the 2013 Ember Sports Club Bowls Finals are now available on Flickr here:
Pictures from the 2013 Ember Sports Club Bowls Finals are now available on Flickr here:
Everybody has to start somewhere and it’s nice to have a helping hand to explain what is going on and how the game is played. Ember’s Beginners’ Course has now been running for over 10 years. We have five qualified coaches on hand to get you started in the game so there is plenty of experience available – and it won’t cost you a penny!
The first session is a Taster Session, which will give you the opportunity to try your arm at bowling and give you an appetite to carry on further.
This year’s taster session is being held on Sunday 27th April, starting at 10.00am.
If you cannot make this date, never mind we can work something out.
The follow-up dates for the 2014 course are the Sunday Mornings 4th & 11th May and Thursday evenings 1st, 8th and 15th May.
Each follow-up session will include a talk on some aspects of the game, including its rules and etiquette, but will be mainly conducted through practice on the green. Helpful notes are supplied.
For more information see our Bowls Beginners Course page
Diary Dates
Thursday, 20 March – Ladies’ Lunch
Friday, 11 April, 7.30pm – Pre-Season Meeting + Bowlswear Direct sales from 6.30pm
Saturday, 12 April – Opening Day for the New Season (Subject to change)
Sunday, 27 April – Start of Beginners’ Course for New Bowlers (See below)
Social Evening
The evening was enjoyed by the 37 attendees who, fed with hot dogs, popcorn and various nibbles, were challenged by a picture quiz and then by ten questions based on films and finally entertained by the film “Last Orders”. Thanks go to Jenny and Alice for organising the food and to the other helpers who assisted with arranging the room, setting up the cinema and manning the bar.
Indoor Fixtures
Ember enjoyed an excellent 70 – 66 win against a strong Elmbridge team.
Wanted! A couple of players, of any standard, are needed to make up the numbers for the remaining indoor friendly mixed match of the winter: Saturday, 22 March v Cambridge Park, 4 Rinks, 2.00pm start, whites, £9.50 inc.full meal. Please let Dave Nottage know asap if you would like to play: 0208 979 5672
Jubilee Cup
Ember has ended top of its group in the inter-club Jubilee Cup mixed competition. Good luck to the team in the quarter-final against Cuddington on 10 March, 6.30pm at King George Field.
Ladies’ Lunch – Thursday, 20 March
Ladies, thank you to those who have booked and a reminder to those who have not, please send your cheque for £17, payable to Alice Dormon, to Alice at 50 Grafton Road, Worcester Park, Surrey KT4 7QP in time the deadline of 10 March. La Orient in Esher is the venue, 12.30 for 1pm is the time. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Pre-Season Meeting – Friday, 11 April 7.30pm
This is the perfect way to meet up at the start of the season, catch up on events and plan your summer activities and, yes, the bar will be open. Bowlswear Direct will be setting up shop before the meeting and purchases may be made from about 6.30pm. Have a look through your bowls kit now and see what items of clothing or accessories you might need for the coming season. The Bowls Club receives a percentage of the monies taken so, the more we buy the more we benefit. Don’t forget that chalk spray is always available at the Club; just ask Colin or Sylvia Jones. Colin also has a supply of club badges and ties and Sylvia is the girl to order your sweatshirts from.
Jobs for the Boys (and Girls Too)
This time last year the “Jobs for the Boys (and Girls Too)” questionnaire was circulated to members. As a result most of you were actively involved with the numerous and varied jobs associated with running the Bowls Section. This year members will be receiving a similar form with their subscription renewals on which they can indicate their preference for undertaking catering, gardening or green duties during the coming season. By volunteering and sharing everything gets done and no-one ends up doing too much. Replies should be returned to Sylvia Jones either at the Pre-Season Meeting on 11 April or posted to 28 Darby Crescent, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 5LA or left on the clubhouse letter board.
Club Competitions
This year the men’s and ladies’ entry form for Club competitions will again be sent to members with their subscriptions renewal letter. Ideally, completed forms should be handed to either of the competition secretaries (Dave Bardsley or Linda Pillman) at the Pre-Season Meeting together with a cheque payable to Ember Sports Club. There will be a leeway for those not able to attend the meeting but please note that the deadline for entries will be Friday 2nd May. The entry date for the Non-Winners competition will be delayed until later in the season to allow newer bowlers to gain confidence and experience. In a change to the rules this competition will now be restricted to members who have:
• never won any Club Singles competition
• not won any Club Pairs competition in the previous seven seasons
• not won any County or District level competition or
• not won a Coronation Cup final
Beginners’ Course
‘Bowls for Beginners’ classes begin with a Taster Session on the morning of Sunday 27 April with follow-up classes on Sunday 4 and 11 May and the evenings of Thursday 1, 8 and 15 May. Please spread the word around and encourage friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances to try out the game and help boost our membership. Jerry Ingham is the contact: 020 8398 0885 or
North West Surrey Competitions
The deadline for entries is 28 April when the form will be taken down from the notice board. For more details on the competitions contact John Garland: or 01932 220221.
North West Surrey Men’s Friday Evening League Matches
This year Ember will have a team in the Double Rinks League and also a team in the top division of the Single Rink League. The committee has discussed the method of selection for these matches and feel that whilst giving match experience to some of our younger improving players, we should play more from strength than in previous seasons so the number of players selected will be slightly less this year.
Twelve players will be required on most Fridays from 9 May until 8 August and John Garland will be sending out forms asking nominated players for their availability for these matches towards the end of March.
Phoenix Cards
Look out for the brochures at the clubhouse and start ordering greeting cards again for birthdays, anniversaries and other occasions, plus lovely wrapping papers and more. Remember, the Bowls Club receives a percentage of the monies taken so, the more we buy the more we benefit. Jo will be at the Pre-Season Meeting with her stand but alternatively you can ring her or order online:
020 8399 6526
New Umpire
Sylvia is to be congratulated on passing the exams to qualify as a Regional Umpire. (Ken H)
The Club can earn cash donations when members register to support us and shop online through the easyfundraising website. It’s a simple process:
1. Register at by following the on-screen prompts – you will need to enter an 8-character password.
2. When you’re asked to choose your cause, enter “Ember Sports Club” and then click the ‘Continue’ button.
3. Each time you are considering an online purchase, first log into your easyfundraising account, select a participating retailer (there is a search facility), and then continue your transaction in the normal manner. During the process you will be advised of the percentage of the purchase value that will be passed on to the Club.
There are over 2,700 online retailers available, including Amazon, John Lewis, eBay and Tesco and all will give a small percentage of what’s been spent back to the Club to say thank you for shopping with them.
If you wish your contribution to be made available to your section, then you will need to confirm to Bob Knox the total you have raised, which will be shown in your easyfundraising account.